BBL Photofacial 101


Are you looking for a safe, non-invasive way to rejuvenate your skin? Do you want an all-in-one solution? If so, a BBL photofacial may be right for you.

Let’s face it, as skin ages, it loses its firmness and youthful appearance. Wrinkles, fine lines, and sun damage are fast becoming an unwanted reality, but with BBL photofacials, you do not have to settle for less when it comes to your skin. Instead, you can fight back.

Here, the health professionals at NuMe Aesthetics in Seattle break down everything you need to know about a BBL photofacial, its benefits, and more. Read on to learn more.

How Does a BBL Photofacial Work?

A BBL photofacial is a popular, FDA-approved skin rejuvenation and corrective phototherapy treatment. It uses BroadBand Light (BBL) to reverse signs of aging and sun damage. It can also target skin redness and brown spots on skin.

Photofacials work by delivering a high-energy BBL beam to your skin, causing it to heat up. This, in turn, triggers the skin to regenerate while also stimulating collagen production. Collagen production helps improve skin tone and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

The method can be adapted to treat various skin concerns. For instance, to target brown spots, the beam is directed towards them. The pigment in the brown spots will absorb energy from the BBL and peel off within 7-14 days. Similarly, the BBL is directed toward superficial blood vessels to target skin redness, causing them to close.

What are the Benefits of a BBL Photofacial?

BBL photofacials are one of the most popular skin treatments today. For good reason, too, since they provide many benefits.

First, BBL photofacials can treat many different skin conditions. These include rosacea, sun-damaged skin, and pigmentation.

Rosacea refers to facial redness characterized by small bumps and visible blood vessels. BBL can target both these concerns, leaving behind smooth, even-toned skin. Similarly, BBL can use many different wavelengths to help iron out sun damage and skin pigmentation.

Second, BBL photofacials are anti-aging. Aging is an inescapable reality of life and no matter what you do, your skin will wrinkle and fine lines will appear. But that does not mean there’s nothing you can do about it.

Aging-related skin changes are the result of reduced collagen production. Fortunately, BBL can trigger collagen production. Thus, the result is firmer, younger-looking skin.

What’s more, because of its collagen-inducing properties, BBL can also delay aging. Win-win!

Third, BBL photofacials can clear and prevent acne. The truth is people — teens and adults alike — struggle with acne. While many treatments claim to treat acne, they seldom do. But BBL is different.

BBL photofacials clear (and prevent) acne in two simple ways — limiting the sebaceous glands and killing bacteria. The generated heat limits blood supply to sebaceous glands that produce the oil responsible for acne breakouts. At the same time, it eliminates any acne-forming bacteria.

Fourth, unlike most cosmetic procedures, BBL photofacials are painless. Most patients describe the experience as relaxing due to the warmth generated. What’s more, there are no side effects, so the procedure is completely safe — and FDA-approved.

Lastly, there is no downtime. You can resume your regular activities immediately after your session — no prolonged recovery times or hospital admissions. The only thing you need to do after your procedure is hydrate the skin with a moisturizer. Easy!

How Long do the Results Last?

‘How long will my results last?’ is a common question regarding aesthetic procedures. When it comes to a BBL photofacial, the short answer: A very long time, and your results will be visible after the first session, so you don’t have to wait for them to appear.

Having said that, ideal results can take longer to achieve. In general, we recommend three to five treatments for the best results. Since the effects of a BBL photofacial last a very long time, maintaining your results is straightforward, and a touch-up once or twice a year is all you need.

BBL Photofacial Your Worries Away!

Now that you know all the benefits of BBL photofacials, what are you waiting for? Younger-looking skin is easy to achieve and the team of experts at NuMe Aesthetics in Seattle can help you get the results you’re looking for. Contact us today or schedule your session.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.